“Thank you so much! The Walder boombrake has saved my rig (and possibly my life! ) Several times now 🙂 I have
sailed several thousand miles on my Allures 39.9 and have been thankful for my boom brake every time I let
the main out. Best $ I ever spent. Every skipper ones it to themselves + their crew to install one!”
Brian T.

“Great item, best thing I put on board It works great ”
Annapolis sail boat show 2017

“Excellent product – Simple and absolutely controls jibing”
George Ward
Seaward Rigging
Long Beach, CA

“Used system on my own boat for 5 years Great”

“This should be mandatory on all boats. Wouldn’t know how to sail without it”
Pearson 424

“Great product – Use two on my 65′ sailboat”
L.A California

“Spencer 53’ ketch
400’ main – A relief to sail in San Francisco Bay with the “Le Walder”
Larry Falson
Oyster Pt
San Francisco

“10/24/87 Just completed 15,000 miles with the Walder boombrake ….It’s great gear – Wouldn’t go without it”
Howard & Stephanie,
Yacht “Dulcinea” 33
“Steel sloop “

“It works great on a 52 FT Alu Sailing Yacht : Twinga”

“Me ha funcionado muy bien es practimente un tripulante silencioso. Mis felicitaciones a Walder par este sensacional invento.Lo tengo instalado en un Hanse 470 e”
Hanse 470 e
Nirvana III

“Merci, vous m’avez sauvé la vie”

“Depuis 12 ans avec Walder avec satisfaction et reconnaissance… Par tous les temps et toutes les mers.”
REGARD La Rochelle

“Ho aquistato per una Hanse 411 e .
Non torno piu indietro”
Hanse 411 e

“Seit Jahrzehnten bei uns an Bord, mehr als 30 000 Seemeile problemlose Sicherheit, ein feines Teil !”